Thursday, December 5, 2013

Spray Tanning

What we have to offer

At PS we're offering you a more personalized form of spray tanning that creates both professional and custom results. We have a variety of amazing solutions, and our Technician chooses the correct shade for your skin tone - so don't worry about having an orange tint! We work by appointment only but we're truly flexible people so book your appointment with us today by facebook message, calling, or coming in! 


Spray Tanning is obviously ideal for those who have an important event coming up, and need a tan quickly - but our favorite part about spray tanning? You can tan using a tanning bed too, even the same day you've been tanned. We like to call it DOUBLE DIPPING! Spraying once every 1-2 weeks all while tanning regularly will give you the best tan a girl could ever achieve! At PS, "tan" is our favorite color..... & "glowing" is our favorite thing to do!


Basic Full Body: $35
This includes a full body pre-tan  preparation spray. 

Rapid Tan: $45
This is ideal for those in a hurry! Your tan settles faster, and you're able to shower within 2 hours.

Our "experienced" ladies love this solution. This solution creates flawless even fading Sunless Spray Tan with added anti-aging benefits.

Custom: $65
With a solution of your choice, along with a facial HACing (also known as, highlighting and contouring!) HACing your face creates a slimmer, and more defined look. It also allows your greatest features to shine! 


2 Basic full body tans .............$60     ($70 Value!)

4 Basic full body tans ..............$120    ($140.00 Value!)

2 ANTI-aging full body .............$90  ($110.00 Value!)

Before & After Care Instructions

It is extremely important to follow both the before, and after care instructions in order to achieve your best results. If you do not follow the instructions, you may see some unevenness and discoloration!

-Shower and exfoliate with a loofah (with a non moisturizing body wash.) Exfoliating removes dead skin cells and allows your tan to be applied evenly, and last a lot longer. Also, shave any unwanted hair at this time.
-Do NOT apply anything to your body after your shower. This includes lotion (unless you absolutely have to), deodorant, perfume, aftershave, etc.
-Wear loose clothing to your session, and wear something to be sprayed in that you dont mind getting dirty (although the solution is water based and washes out of most materials!) Girls, we recommend bra and panties. Guys we recommend shorts!
All other instructions will be provided in person!

What to expect

Your session will last about 30 minutes, including drying time. You will receive a full body pre tanning preparation spray before your tanning solution is applied - as well as a barrier cream for your hands, feet, elbow and nails!



Often I hear people saying, "I don't feel like i'm getting color," or my personal favorite, "How do YOU get so dark?" Sometimes I even hear people literally come in for the first time, tan, then come out and say, "I didn't get any color." WRONG. Tanning is a process with steps you must follow in order to achieve your maximum results!


  1. COME OFTEN! There is no way you can achieve an amazingly dark color starting off pale, and only coming in once twice a week. Come every 24hrs (at LEAST every 48 if you're busy....) until you reach your desired color. This is how you will get tan, and fast. Once you've achieved your desirable color, it is then safe to come in moderation just to maintain.
  2. EXFOLIATE! You should exfoliate at least every 10 days. Don't think of it as loosing your are loosing icky flakes that dull your skins beauty and prevent your skin from attracting necessary moisture, this will make the tan uneven, patchy and look harsh and unattractive!
  3. MOISTURIZE! Dry flaky skin does not tan and can prevent your skin from absorbing up to 50% of the light produced! We all know tanning dries out your skin each session, so just as you SHOULD apply lotion before, you SHOULD apply a lotion after! 
  4. USE SALON QUALITY LOTIONS! Lotions designed specifically for tanners replace the vitamins and minerals lost during the tanning process. They are also specifically formulated to intensify the tanning potential of the UV light using natural ingredients such as Taurine and Tyrosine to produce the best possible tan! Cheaper lotions sold at sally's and Walmart contain inferior ingredients. Lotions sold cheaper online can be diluted with other product, and even stored in a completely different environment then called for - creating bacteria. 
  5. DON'T BURN! Burning damages your skin and shortens the life of your tan! Peeling can also give you unsexy unevenness! 
  6. VARIETY! After some time, you're going to want to switch your lotions up to avoid hitting a tanning plateau! I also always hear, "I was getting color, but now I don't feel like I'm getting anything." Thats because you need a more advanced lotion! Change can sometimes be GOOD! Our trained and TANNED technicians are always knowledgeable and experienced in the latest advanced lotions!
  7. STOP IN TO SEE US AT PERPETUAL SUN! At PS we're trained and ready to successfully complete each and every tanning mission. We change our bulbs regularly and are living proof of how awesome our beds are.  Come in, and tell us exactly how tan you want to be! We'll take it from there!